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Why the Truth is Key in Online Dating Success

If you've been doing online dating for a while, but have not found your 'special' someone, it may not be what you've written in your profile that's killing the romance, but rather what you've left out. Internet dating has become mainstream, and the good old days of posting a picture and getting lots of emails, while not extinct, has surely taken a turn. These days words are more important than a pretty face?at least once you've caught someone's eye.The truth in your online dating profile is an important factor to actually meeting the person of your dreams rather than dating dozens of people before you even come close. What do I mean by that? Well, it's pretty simple. First off, although there is some anonymity to online dating, a successful profile is meant to be your gateway to meeting someone you may share interests with as well as be physically attracted to.

While online daters often complain about the 'inaccuracy' of a person's photo, once you get over that hurdle (think recent, clear photos here) it's the description you write about yourself and who you're searching for that's most important. Some points to consider:.1. Be very descriptive about yourself.
Write your profile as if you are speaking to your best friend, because that's probably who you are looking for anyway.

Describe your likes, your dislikes, your quirks, what gets on your nerves, where you want to be in ten years, if you're interested in having children, where you want to travel to, and anything else you would want to know?or think might be important?in someone else.2. Be very descriptive about who (and what) you are looking for.
Some online daters are casual daters. Others are seeking a marriage partner. Others are seeking friendship.

Know what you want and be clear about it when you are writing your profile. If you would like to get married one day, but not in the next five years, it's a good thing for someone to know immediately rather than a few dates down the road. If you are looking for a religious man or woman, say it?you don't want to be shocked if you decide church is a good place to meet if the person you are inviting is an atheist.3.

Don't try to be someone you aren't?just be yourself.
As I wrote earlier, the goal of your profile is to attract people you want to date?but it's also to attract people who want to date you. They don't want to date you ten years ago, and they don't want to date you in another ten years; they want to date the person you are now. Post recent pictures of yourself, and don't try to be something you think others would be attracted to.

If you're a bank teller, don't pretend to be an astronaut. If you have a complex about something, you don't necessarily have to announce it to the world, but if you can, use it to your benefit through humor. Dating online is a great way to sift through many profiles to find the ones that could possibly be your match made in heaven?or, better put, cyberspace.

.Cully Perlman, MBA, MA, is Founder and President of

By: C Perlman

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