When Moses was up on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments, he asked God how shall Moses answer the question, what is his name? And God said unto Moses: I AM THAT I AM.What does that mean for us as individualized centers of God? We are the first part of that name. We are the "I am". Spirit being all, is the infinite, unifying circle "I Am That I Am.".We concentrate on the "I am".
This is the concept of self-contemplation. Self-contemplation is what you think about yourself, how you identify yourself, how you define yourself.When you think or say statements that begin with "I am . .
.", you are contemplating yourself. You are defining your freedom or your limitations.
This is very powerful, and why many strong and effective affirmations begin with "I am.".All the studying, all the understanding, all the belief in the Absolute Goodness of the Universe (God), will not be healing or of help or comfort to us, if we do not start first with self-contemplation -- because Spirit and Law can only express for us by expressing through us. Our minds are the gatekeepers of the Universal Flow of Good. We can either have the gates opened or closed.
It is our choice.The mechanism that opens or shuts those gates is our self-contemplation. Our self-contemplation is what lets us believe and subjectify an idea. Once we subjectify an idea, it must be expressed in the physical world.
Here's an example. The Universal Flow of Abundance is constantly available to us. It is flowing around us and through us. We block the flow through us (and into our experience) when we believe statements like " I am bound to work hard all my life for very little.
" " I'm just trying to make ends meet." "That's for rich people, not me." Can't you just feel the gates closing down tight? Can't you just see the flow going around us like water moving around a rock in a stream?.
We can believe there is Good in the Universe, but until and unless we see ourselves as Good, we will never experience that Good.That is why I say it all boils down to self-contemplation. You cannot experience anything that you do not first accept in and for yourself.
If you think of yourself as an average Joe, average things will happen in your life. If you define yourself as an employee, you will never have your own business. If you identify yourself as a victim of a disease, you have stopped the flow of health and healing in your body.
If you know that people find the loves of their lives, but that won't happen for you, you have just contemplated yourself as unworthy of such love, and love will flow by.The words "I am" are incredibly powerful because they are your direct connection to Divine Power. You are the "I AM" in "I AM THAT I AM".
"I AM" is the presence of God in you -- just as "I AM" is literally in the name (nature) of God (I AM THAT I AM). "I AM" is the individualization of the absolute, unconditioned, limitless, all-expressed, Divine Intelligence, Cosmic Consciousness of "I AM THAT I AM." This is a profound, spiritual understanding of what we would humanly think of as just two little words.
Just think, when you say "I am . . .", you are invoking the creative power of the Universe.Consciously use the "I am" self-contemplation as a tool to improve your life.
.Tina Montalto is the founder and president of Conscious Kernels, Inc., an ePublishing company specializing in spiritual eBooks and audio books. She is the author of "You are What You Think" available for free at the company's website: http://www.consciouskernels.com She has also created and serves as instructor for a 7-week eCourse on Spiritual Mind Treatment also available at the website. In addition to providing a selection of original eBooks, Conscious Kernels offers a free monthly eNewsletter, a community-building discussion board, spiritual retreats, and e-greeting cards.
By: Tina Montalto