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Speed Dating Make Sure You Clean Your Teeth

Speed dating ? want a successful evening? Be warned, 3 out of 5 UK men & women say stained, grotty teeth are a complete turn-off! .New research shows that singletons are flocking to speed dating events across the globe in their quest to find Mr or Ms right. Yet, they may be forgetting that small but crucial things like a clean white smile are ruining their chances of making the right impression on the night with the opposite sex!.In a world where everyone wishes for a 25th hour, speed dating has become one of the hottest ways to meet that very special person in just one night. With this in mind, Smart Dating UK has commissioned new research to discover just how important white teeth and a bright smile can be when creating a first impression.The report shows that over 60% of speed daters said that they wouldn't give a person with stained or yellow teeth the time of day, and 70% are first attracted to someone by their smile.

With speed dating allowing just three short minutes to create a lasting impression, Tracey Cox, TV's dating expert reveals her 'top tips' on how to make a get noticed when it counts:.Step 1. Double up on the smiles:
Smiling is contagious and it's the quickest, most subtle way to show interest without looking desperate. Greet them with a broad, friendly grin, which shows all your teeth.Step 2. Look at their mouth loads:
The more we're attracted to someone, the more time we spend looking at their mouth.

It's a very, very sexy gesture because the person can't help but think I wonder if they're imagining what it would be like to kiss me?.Step 3. Put a pen in your mouth or stroke your lips:
If you've got great teeth, you're effectively pointing to one of your best assets.

Plus you're sending a pseudo sexual signal because mouths are an erotic zone.Step 4. Use the killer threesome:
Combine a smile, leaning forward and a touch and you've sent the clearest signal you find them attractive.

What's more, the speed dating research shows that a smile wins first time, every time with 1 in 3 people in the UK claiming that they judge a person by their smile. Catherine Zeta Jones' pearly whites were voted 'the most perfect smile' by over a third of women, but lets face it she pays a small fortune for those dazzlers. Yet, looking after our teeth doesn't have to cost the earth, Dr Julian Chen, (the man who knows teeth - Dental Consultant) advises:."We all know that coffee and red wine are two of the worst culprits for causing stained teeth. However, by attempting to include alternatives like white wine or herbal tea means we don't have to live in complete abstinence from our creature comforts.

There are also quick and easy ways to reverse teeth staining the professional way or now via teeth whitening products available over the counter.".Don't forget, white teeth and a bright smile are just as important in an interview situation. 1 in 10 people in the UK would think twice about employing someone with stained teeth, so maximising your smile not only helps you land Mr or Ms Right, but also the career you're chasing, because after all creating the right first impression counts in all situations.Happy speed dating!.


Paul Benbow writes for Smart Dating UK, a UK speed dating company focused on creating friendly and relaxed dating parties. Match guaranteed, or free entry offered to next event.

By: Paul Benbow

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