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SelfWho Am I

At some point in our lives we ask the questions "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" and "What am I supposed to do?" Hopefully we begin to ask these questions early on so that we can actually accomplish our purpose in live. When you keep seeking and asking, "Who am I?" The final answer and the truth of that question is "I am". I am (blank), I am (blank), I am.

After the I am you then are just filling in the blanks. But the deep understanding is that we are divine. I am is also the present moment of our reality and how we call ourselves or allow ourselves to be called.

For an example, "I am an artist, I am a writer, I am a teacher, I am a mother, I am a novelist, I am sick, I am well, I am joy etc. The I am is the manifestation of the divine in different aspect of our lives and in everyone's lives.If we could live fulfilled and purposeful lives we could answer, "I am. And that is enough." But we never believe that is enough. We believe that we have to do something to be noteworthy, or that we have to be super wealthy.

We do not believe that we have the power to direct our lives or to change our present moment by calling the I am in a different manner. But if you believed in your own divinity it is likely that you could do something noteworthy and also create such a flow that you could become super wealthy. I am is a force of activation, energy and direction.We must begin to recognize our own divinity, power, strength and beauty in the I am. To live with focus and to unleash our creative potential is to live fearless.

We are the masters of consciousness and consequently the universe. Again if only we recognized that. We are not taking anything away from others when we truly acknowledge our divine nature. On the contrary, it is likely that you will inspire others to live a creatively expansive life as well, that they will find their strength and they will inspire others.

.Yoga Kat--aka Katheryn Hoban is a yoga teacher with twelve years experience.

She teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, and 7-12 and Adults privately in NJ. She is the author the book DAUGHTER BELOVED which will come out next year. She has created a children's affirmation CD (ages 3-6) and an affirmation CD for adults. Yoga Kat is available for speaking or writing and can be reached at or 201 970-9340.COMING SOON http://www.

By: Katheryn Hoban

Mahogany Wood

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