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Five Top Tips For Productive Dating Profiles

There's no shortage of advice for people starting to prepare their online dating profile, or for those whose profiles haven't yet produced results. However, the most important advice is in these top five tips:

1) Research

Before you write and post your profile, check out the competition. The last thing you want is for your headline to be exactly the same as four other people, or for your user name to be too close to others.

Spend some time browsing the profiles ? look at what catches your interest and what doesn't. Then use that information to create a profile that will stand out from the crowd.

2) Clear and concise

Don't ramble. Remember that the people who read your profile are browsing and they'll just click away if you don't grab their attention and tell them what they want to know. Keep it short and sweet, making sure that you've included all the relevant information.

3) Say what you do, not what you're like

Don't write a string of words describing your qualities. This isn't a CV, it's a personal profile. Make it personal by saying what you actually like to do and how you spend your time. Ditch the jargon, use plain English and say what you mean.

Trying to look clever by using long words or complicated descriptions doesn't get responses.

4) Update

Keep updating your profile. When you've done something new or exciting, say so. This not only widens the audience for your profile, by shows readers that you are still using the site and still interested in hearing from them.

5) Photographs

Posting a photo is expected on today's online dating sites.

On some sites, it's possible to post more than one photo, but whatever the restrictions, make sure that you choose a really good photo. Ideally, it should just be of you on your own, not you with family and friends and if you can, choose a photo that illustrates you doing something you really like. Keep it recent and decent and it can go a long way to improving your chances of some genuine responses.

Article Source:


Dateline is one of the top online dating agencies in the UK. Visit their website on Online Dating. .

By: Dateline -

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