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Excuse Me Your Life Is STILL Waiting

Six years ago someone tapped us on the shoulder and said."Excuse me, your life is waiting. It's right over there and in it you have all that you ever desired. You have financial freedom, the job of your dreams or the business you always wanted.

All of your relationships are strong, loving and beneficial. You are strong, sure of yourself and happier than you've ever dared to imagine.".That someone was Lynn Grabhorn and she not only tapped us, she provided us the tools necessary to create that life in her New York Times Best-Seller, "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting.".

Lynn has since passed on, but if she were still here and your life was not where you wanted it to be, I'm sure she would say, "Excuse Me, Your Life is STILL Waiting".You might say, "Great, show me the way to this incredible life!" and Lynn is happy to, but of course there is a price.You would need to leave behind all of your fears, jealousies, thoughts of separateness, anxieties, anger, frustrations, limiting beliefs.

Could you do it? Could you shed all of these and walk toward what you say you REALLY want?.It's time you became the one doing the tapping! YOU are the only one who knows where YOU want to go and how YOU want to get there.So why aren't you doing it? Start by asking yourself how you are feeling.

That's right, how are you feeling?.All the feelings in the world roll up to just two, you either feel good or you feel bad. There really is no in between because the absence of good is bad and the absence of bad is good.When was the last time you came up with a solution to a problem when you were feeling scared or frustrated? When you are feeling these things your thoughts and feelings are locked on the fear, not the potential solution.

So how can you expect to create the life you want if you are constantly having thoughts that serve and maintain your fears?.There are 4 steps you can follow that will break you out of the fear and into the possibility of having the life experience you really want.Step One Know What You Don't Want.Part of the reason we are fearful is because we are not clear on what it is that we really want.

Crazy as it sounds, for a lot of us, it is much easier to come up with what we don't want than what we do want. Take a few minutes and jot down, in list format, what you really don't want.Step Two Know What You Do Want.Take your don't wants and simply flip them into do wants. For example, "I don't want to travel so much for work" becomes "I only want to travel once a month for work.

" As you go through your list, notice how you are starting to feel better and be more hopeful.Step Three Get Into the "Feeling" Place of Your Want.Now that you have started to shift your attention away from what you don't want onto what you do want, you can't help but feel better.

Now you want to take that feeling and expand it. Phrase your do want in the present, as though you already have it."I am traveling once a month for work now. I love having this extra time to spend with my family. I am much more involved in my kid's lives and it feels good to know that I am contributing more around the house.

My customers are even more satisfied because now I meet with them weekly by phone in addition to my monthly visit. I am very pleased with these results and we still get miles for our trips to Disney World!".Step Four Allow It To Happen.The first thing we do, when we get clear on what it is we really want, is try to make it happen as soon as possible.

This step is all about allowing, not forcing your desire to happen. You have already started doing this by taking your attention off of what you don't want which already has started to allow thoughts and ideas on how to make it happen.When you force, you are in fear mode and remember what we said, not living in fear is part of the price you pay for having what you want.

The best indication that you are headed in the right direction is again how you feel. If it feels good, go for it! If it feels bad, avoid it!.So there you have it, Lynn's 4 steps to creating the life you want.

Now, are you ready to take them?.Copyright 2006 Doreen Banaszak.

.Doreen Banaszak is a coach, teacher and the author of the upcoming book, due for release Spring 2007, "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Now", the follow-up to Lynn Grabhorn's New York Times Best Seller, "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting".

Register for Doreen's free mini-course, "Access Your Power", 4 Steps to Deliberately Create Any Experience You Want" at .

By: Doreen Banaszak

Mahogany Wood

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