National Guard on the Border It is Time - Some say that there are 12 million illegal aliens in the United States and 4 million over stayed Visas or 16 million total.
Therapeutic ways to Relax and Unwind - In a world where hustle and bustle is normal and expected, it is no wonder you often find yourself stressed, worried and sicklier than normal.
Memory Improvement Skills Can Be Yours Today - Have you ever seen someone in town and you knew you should know there name but could not recall it? Have you ever gone to dial a telephone number that you dialled hundreds of times before and just could not remember? Did you ever walk into a room.
How Yoga Works for Weight Loss - Yoga is probably not an obvious choice of activity when it comes to weight loss but despite the speed of the movements it is deceptively effective and here's why.
Charlie Sheen Says ReOpen the Wound of for Another Investigation - Recently Charlie Sheen demanded that we re-open the investigation over 9-11 and pour more salt on the wound to investigate some rather bizarre conspiracy theories now floating around out there.